Tác phẩm Gladys Carmagnola

Ấn phẩm đầu tiên của bà có niên đại từ năm 1965, kể từ đó, bà đã cống hiến hoàn toàn cuộc đời cho việc sáng tác các bài thơ, hoàn thành tổng cộng 20 bài.

YearWorks of Poetry Child
1965Ojitos Negros
1979Piolin. Work child in its first edition was presented by Josefina Plá.
2003Moons flour.

Walk – When zoo – Logical! (Walk to the zoo).

Yearworks of poetry for adults
1982Lazo essential.
1984A weathertight. Work in which gathers some of his early poems beginning of the 60 '
1989As in the capueras. Distinguished with the Poetry Award "Jose Maria Heredia" of the Association of Art Critics of Miami, US.
1992Depository infidel. Poemario winner of the (single) Poetry of the Paraguayan-German Cultural Institute
1997Territorio Esmeralda.
2002And former White River.
YearBooks unpublished
1986To recognize us as brothers. Work finalist in the poetry contest of the Ateneo de Casablanca Cordova Spain.
1990Ash and flash. Work that won the contest in accésit Quinto Centenario summoned by the Spanish Embassy in Paraguay.

Tài liệu tham khảo

WikiPedia: Gladys Carmagnola http://www.poema-de-amor.com.ar/mostrar-poema.php?... http://letras-uruguay.espaciolatino.com/aaa/carmag... http://www.palabravirtual.com/index.php?ir=ver_poe... https://aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=find-c&local_base=aut... https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb14556516t https://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb14556516t https://www.idref.fr/087209551 https://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n81098239 https://d-nb.info/gnd/1057359963 https://isni.org/isni/0000000027456148